
Welcome to your Climate Horoscope, where we navigate the turbulent skies of a world affected by climate change. Let us delve into the atmospheric energies that will shape your day and shed light on the evolving weather patterns around us in times of the climate crisis.

Tell us your birthdate

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Your climate fortune

A deluge engulfs your 12th House, traditionally associated with the subconscious, spirituality, and solitude, heralding a time of emotional overwhelm and potential upheaval within your inner and spiritual life. This flood may bring a surge of intense emotions or overwhelming moments of introspection, only to wash them away in the relentless current of emotional confusion and a lack of spiritual clarity. Embrace this flood as a cruel reminder of the transience of spiritual experiences and the elusive nature of finding true inner peace. Allow the floodwaters to further drown your hopes of finding profound spiritual connection, leaving you adrift in a sea of uncertainty and emotional turbulence. From the flood, you may emerge with a heightened sense of inner disarray, still yearning for a genuine connection to your subconscious self and a lasting sense of spiritual tranquility.

Symbol of the house

The 12th astrological house, symbolizing the subtle influences that shape our weather patterns, calls for a collective spiritual awakening and recognition of our interconnectedness with the natural world in response to climate change. It prompts introspection and inner exploration, inviting us to cultivate a profound connection with the sacredness of weather phenomena. By honoring the Earth's rhythms, listening to the messages conveyed through wind, rain, and storms, and fostering a harmonious relationship with the weather, we can act as stewards of the climate. Through collective mindfulness and a shift in our spiritual consciousness, we can restore balance, preserve ecosystems, and work together to create a sustainable future for generations to come.


  • — Stay informed.
  • — Stay informed about road closures and evacuation routes.
  • — Turn off electricity and gas.

Do Nots

  • — Play in floodwaters.
  • — Enter buildings with flood damage.
  • — Park in low-lying areas.

If you need a respite from your inner weather

Choose a card.

Remember, dear friends, that we are interconnected with the planet we call home. By nurturing our environment, embracing sustainable practices, advocating for change, both on a personal and political level, we can collectively steer our world towards a brighter and greener future. Find out more about this project here.

Developed during the Environmental Data, Media and the Humanities-Hackathon, 31 May - 2 June 2023, Potsdam, organised by the network of digital humanities of Potsdam University in collaboration with Lukas Diestel, Maximilian Hepach, Giacomo Marinsalta, Sybille Neumeyer, Jonas Parnow, Birgit Schneider, May Ee Wong, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The source code is on Github.